Contract & Temporary Staffing

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Contract-to-Hire Staffing

Venus Hr Consultancy’s contract-to-hire staffing module is a tailored solution designed for companies planning expansion while minimizing hiring risks. This module offers a safe and flexible alternative to permanent hiring. We assist clients by identifying or recruiting temporary resources and onboarding them onto our payroll to provide seamless payroll support services. Additionally, we can integrate pre-identified or existing resources from the client or other sources into our payroll system.

Venus Hr Consultancy assumes full responsibility for all HR administrative activities, statutory employee benefits, and compliance requirements for outsourced resources. The client retains complete control over operational and performance-related aspects, ensuring optimal results.

Our approach combines expertise in people management, advanced technology, and a process-driven focus to deliver value and efficiency. This reduces financial and opportunity costs associated with employee administration. By emphasizing continuous improvement, mandatory standards, and best practices, Venus Hr Consultancy ensures enhanced business efficiency, customer satisfaction, and employee engagement.

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(10am - 05 pm)
Melbourne, Australia
(Sat - Thursday)
(10am - 05 pm)
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